

Nikki Palluzzi

Matron of Honor

Nikki is Jennie’s only sister. Being only 2 years apart they shared a lot of things, from a room when they were small, to an interest in sports (soccer), an area of study (communications), and in their adult life, cooking. Nikki got married two years ago and allowed her little sister to boss her around for once, helping plan from start to finish, and Jennie is glad to have her big sister around to reciprocate the honor (minus falling into a lake.)


Lauren Holliman

Bridesmaid – Honorary Sister

Lauren and Jennie have been BFFs since they were nine, when Jennie transferred into Lauren’s fourth grade class and deemed it to be so. Since then, they have mostly lived apart, though their paths collided for a brief time when they both went to college in Massachusetts. They have always been able to pick up exactly where they left off, and when together will most definitely be yelled at for giggling too loudly and climbing things they shouldn’t.


Kelly Reinhardt

Bridesmaid – Zen Master
Kelly and Jennie have been friends since they met in the eighth grade. In college, they enjoyed visiting each other with Kelly coming to Boston several times and Jennie heading to Ann Arbor on her breaks. Kelly is one of the wisest, nicest, most level headed people Jennie knows, and keeps everyone in check by frequently thinking outside the box. She also knows how to keep Jennie calm, and for this Jennie is grateful for – both in every day life, but especially because she knows she’ll keep her cool on the wedding day with Kelly by her side.


Sierra Rooney

Bridesmaid – Fashion/Etiquette Guru
Sierra is Jennie’s roommate from freshman year at Emerson College. It’s a miracle they’re still friends, since Jennie most likely scared Sierra with her crazy loud mouth and ability to be incredibly…honest. Sierra helped Jennie academically through college, reading all her papers, trying to keep her organized in the dorms, and always being around to just relax and watch a Richard Gere movie. Sierra and Jennie might not live together anymore, but Jennie’s glad to have Sierra around at the push of a button, knowing she’s one of Jennie’s biggest fans – and vice versa.


Katie Cotugno

Bridesmaid – Life Coach/RA
Katie was, and will always be, Jennie’s RA. Her sophomore year, she was one room away from Sierra and Jennie, and destine to continue to be one of their best friends forevermore. She taught Jennie the joy of making multicolored lists (upon lists), how to love Elliot Stabler, why everyone should read more literature (and also, have guilty reading pleasures), and above all, how to be a really excellent friend. Kate will most likely make sure Jennie has an iced coffee and a snack on the big day, because that’s what good RAs are for.